2022 China Silicone Market Report


2022 China Silicone Market Report



As a new type of high-tech material, silicone, with nearly 80 years of development, has been widely used in construction, textile, electronics, transportation, chemical, aerospace, new energy, medical machinery, daily cosmetics, personal care and other fields. It has now developed into a new fine chemical system with intensive technology and an important position in the national economy. Also, it is one of the fastest-growing varieties of synthetic materials that can best meet the requirements of the times.


China has reversed its long-term dependence on imports and become a net exporter of polysiloxane since 2015. China’s net export of polysiloxane has been growing steadily in recent ten years. In 2020, China’s net export of polysiloxane reached 83kt. By the end of 2020, China’s polysiloxane production capacity and output had reached 1.573 million tons per year and 1.338 million tons, accounting for more than half of the global total. China has become a major producer and consumer of silicone in the world.


With the increasing willingness of people to improve the quality of life, silicone products are replacing the stock market of other material products with excellent performance. In addition to the steady growth of traditional fields such as construction, textile, electronic appliances and industrial additives, there are many emerging products in the consumer health market with fast product iteration, such as personal medical care and daily necessities. The emergence of “popular” new products is expected to open a new growth space. The market demand for silicone materials in energy-saving and environmental protection industries such as photovoltaic and new energy will maintain medium and high-speed growth. Ultra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage power grid construction, 3D printing, 5G, intelligent wearable devices and other emerging fields will be one of the market growth points and breakthrough points for silicone materials in the future.


In 2021, China’s silicone market experienced thrilling ups and downs. The price once reached an all-time high of RMB63,000/t, an increase of more than 300% compared with the price at the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, many enterprises have started or are planning new construction and expansion projects of silicone monomers, with new production capacity mainly coming from nearly 20 enterprises such as Hoshine Silicon, Xingfa Chemicals Group, Dongyue Silicone Material, Yunnan Provincial Energy Investment Group and Inner Mongolia Xingxing Chemical. Can all these projects be put into operation as scheduled? Will there be any new changes in market supply? What impact will national policies bring to the silicone industry? Will 2022 face a new pattern? What are the impacts of repeated pandemic outbreaks and stalemates on human living habits? Are there any new changes in downstream demand? The annual monitoring report of key silicone material products (2022 version) launched by the Strategic Alliance of Green Silicon Industry (SAGSI) will answer the above questions.


The full text of each annual report is about 30,000 words, with 8-10 chapters and about 60-70 detailed charts, all of which are the latest research data. Our reports, issued since 2008, are highly appreciated for the content with 13 years of history. At the same time, we also provide monthly reports, weekly reports, silicon newsletter and other customized services according to customer needs.



I. Annual report


1. China Fumed Silica Annual Report (2022)

2. China Silicon Metal Annual Report (2022)

3. China Polysiloxane Annual Report (2022)

4. China Silicone Resin Annual Report (2022)

5. China Silicone Fluid and Emulsion Annual Report (2022)

6. China RTV Annual Report (2022)

7. China HTV/LSR Annual Report (2022)

8. China Functional Silane Annual Report (2022)

9. China Silicon Tetrachloride/Chlorosilane Annual Report (2022)


Report Content

1. Macroeconomic

2. Analysis of energy situation

3. Production and supply

4. Forecast of new capacity in the future

5. Production process and technical economy

6. Import and export status

7. Consumption demand and forecast

8. Upstream and downstream market analysis

9. Long term price trend analysis

10. Supply and demand analysis and forecast


II. Month Report


1. SAGSI China Silicone Market Monthly Report

2. SAGSI China Fumed Silica Market Monthly Report

3. SAGSI China Polysilicon Market Monthly Report


Report Content

1. Monthly overview of the current world market of this product

2. Supply status of this product in China (output, import and export, new and planned installations, operation status of key enterprises)

3. Change of demand (demand, change of downstream products)

4. Analysis of import and export data

5. Market price trend

6. Corporate news

7. Supply-demand prediction


III. Weekly Report


China Silicon Industry Chain Weekly Monitoring Report


Report Content

1. Market price trend

2. Supply status of the product in China (newly built and planned installations, operation status of key enterprises)

3. Corporate news

4. Supply and demand prediction


IV. Suitable for

Decision-makers, middle and senior technical management personnel and related investors, suppliers and distributors in charge of production, scientific research and operation in the industry of silicone, polysilicon, silicon metal and fumed silica.


V. Form of Report Issuance

Electronic PDF version will be sent regularly by email. The weekly report is updated every Monday; Monthly Report is updated on the 8th of each month with Chinese and English versions; The Annual Report is updated every April with Chinese and English versions.


VI. Subscription

1. Contact us



Add to learn more about report details


Nicole Tang 010-53621243  18210097596 (Same as WeChat number) tangnaimei@acmi.org.cn

Beijing Sino Advanced Chemical Materials Institution (ACMI)

Sino Alliance of Green Development of Silicon Industry (SAGSI)

Room 1510, Building 4, Fengchuang Science Park, Kechuang 13th Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone


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About US


Beijing Sino Advanced Chemical Materials Institution (ACMI) is a service institution specializing in the industry research and technology development of new chemical materials. The main businesses include consulting and planning, market monitoring, media publishing, exhibitions and conferences, etc.


Sino Alliance of Green Development of  Silicon Industry (SAGSI) is a public platform committed to green, healthy, energy-saving and sustainable development of silicon industry. SAGSI carries out daily work relying on Beijing Sino Advanced Chemical Materials Institution (ACMI), and the main businesses include consulting and planning, evaluation and investigation, competitive intelligence, conferences, journals, standards and customs coordination covering silicone, polysilicon, silicon metal and fumed silica industries.








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